Batix SA

Batix is a Limited Company under the Senegalese law. The company has a long and rich experience in the field of construction in Senegal and particularly in West Africa.

Batix has built several office and residential buildings as well as industrial buildings and facilities for a number of trades.

With a solid experience, and within the shortest possible time, Batix‘ staff is able to carry out your turnkey projects in a safe manner.

our vision

Development requires the construction of quality road infrastructures as well as modern buildings and facilities that can help our cities to become modern urban centers.Batix intends to fully participate in this development momentum by putting forward its expertise through the quality of its structures but also and above all by respecting its commitments, especially the deadlines for completion.To achieve this, the company puts forward a vision based on the central place which local companies should have within their sectors of activity.After half a century of independence and with several generations of highly trained engineers and technicians, it’s high time now that Senegal had companies capable of carrying out some of the most complex works.

This vision has led the company to recruit highly qualified personnel who are in permanent training, but above all to acquire the latest technologies and the most sophisticated tools and equipments in the field of construction.   

This vision is necessarily based on values.

Our values

Our values

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